Tuesday, August 27, 2013

7th Week!!

Hello Everyone!

Wow, what a week. Today starts my SECOND cycle in Russia. Everyone told me that the first cycle would go super slow, and the rest would pick up and fly by, but I felt like my first cycle flew by! I am scared to see how fast this next 6 weeks fly by. We received our transfer calls on Saturday night. I cannot tell you how fast my heart was pounding. I have fallen in love with Penza and the people here. I couldn't imagine leaving. I have also grown so close to Sister Young. She has been a wonderful trainer. She has helped me with the language; she has helped me push myself; and she has helped me to improve my cooking skills; and MUCH more. The language is so challenging. I often get frustrated with myself, but I am trying to more fully trust in the Lord and His timing. I know He is helping me because I often receive compliments on how well I speak and how well I use the grammar principles for how long I have been here. I promise you, I am not that good, but I study hard and work to use my language skills as much as possible. Sister Young has REALLY pushed me. We had Elder Exchanges with our zone leaders this week and they told me how impressed they were that I wasn't afraid to go off to a random person and try to share our message with them. They said most new missionaries don't do that for months into the field. She even makes me make PHONE CALLS in Russia. I sure feel bad for those trying to understand what I am saying. Sometimes it can be a little rough :). My point in sharing this is that even though it is hard and often frustrating; it has helped me to become better faster. I know this goes for most things in life! Even though are trials are hard and sometimes more challenging then we think we can handle; the Lord will help us and we will become better! Now as for my cooking skills. Man, my future husband is going to love me ;)! (I am really taking the blessing I received in the MTC serious. I was told that A LOT of what I learn here will help me to be a better wife and mother). So far I have learned to make some delicious spiced grilled chicken, homemade salsa, an amazing salad with only oil and vinegar, and spice, banana bread, and Russian pancakes that are to die for! I have learned an incredible amount while being on my own! I sure miss my daddy's cooking though! Nothing I make will EVER compare to his food!

Today, we had a funny incident! Sister Young and I got separated! We jumped on a bus, but found out it was the wrong bus. We quickly went to jump off. I jumped off first and then the doors slammed in her face! I just laughed and laughed! I spent 30 minutes trying to find her.We were in a more rural area at the time so the bus stops are far apart! Finally, I found her and we both just laughed! After being with someone for a month and a half with the ONLY time that we can be out of sight and sound is when one is in the bathroom or a meeting with the president...it is VERY weird to be apart! It was a fun experience to laugh about though!

We worked way hard this week, and we were so blessed! We taught 16 lessons this week. That is amazing for Russia. We doubled the amount of lessons we have taught in the past 5 weeks.
We also had such an amazing miracle. We were heading home on the bus with one of our members, Irena. We both felt very pulled to give this man named Oleg (22 years old) a brochure. After Irena handed him the brochure, we talked to him about our church. I asked him for his number, but he told us he didn't have his phone on him. I showed him where our number was if he wanted to talk more about our church. That night as we were finishing up planning, he called us. He told us that as he left the bus; he felt so strongly that he needed to call us. We met with him a few times this week. After the first time we prayed, he told us that he does not know why, but he is standing differently. He feels such a great feeling around us, but he is not sure what it is! I bet you can guess what it is..THE HOLY Ghost. I am excited to continue to teach him, and to see how he progresses. He is Muslim and a very faithful one. We really took the advice of my dad and built upon his faith. It has been wonderful. (DAD, i loved your lesson. It was exactly what I needed to hear this week!)
This week, Sister Young and I sang in church. Everyone loved it. Apparently, I agreed to sing in stake conference. WHOOPS. haha It will be a wonderful experience though! AND GUESS WHAT, I met Liza again~! (The girl that I met from the MTC that is from Saratov. She is awesome!)

I am doing well and loving the work. It is hard, but awesome! Thank you for all that you do for me! Keep working hard and trusting in the Lord!

LOVE always and forever,
Sister McCartt

                                                       A couple of our investigators!

                  Our districts culture night and the investigators who came. We saw a really cute play!

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