Sunday, November 24, 2013


Hey there wonderful family,

I miss you tons! The weather is getting colder, but wow oh wow have the miracles been flowing. I made a promise with Heavenly Father last week that no matter how sick I felt, I would get out of my bed at 6:25am, get on my knees to plead with Him to help us to help His children, and then get up and go to work. I promised Him that no matter how sick I felt or how cold it was I would work my BUTT off to find those that are ready to listen. All I asked was that he fill in the rest were I can't fill. Since that fervent prayer, I have felt the powers of Heaven pour out on this area. People have been coming up to us asking about what we are sharing. In two days we found over 10 people interested in learning more. One cold day, a lady walked up to us and began telling me that her grandparents and parents had attended our church. She loved that our church was centered on families. We will be meeting with her this week. We had a group of friends who called us over begging us to tell them where their friend was who had just passed away. I had the wonderful blessing to testify that there is life after death. He is home and he is not lost. We have had other men and women approaching us asking us about our message and how it can help their lives. We have met with wonderful families who desire to strengthen their faith and their families. Crazy enough, after making a goal to ask EVERYONE for a referral, we received one. Yes, we had to ask hundreds and hundreds of people, BUT we got one and he is GOLDEN. We felt impressed to chase this older lady who had passed us as we were talking to someone. We approached her and she just loved us. She wasn't believing, and after a wonderful conversation--we asked her if she knew someone who would be interested to listening and learning more about our message. She stopped and thought for a second..then she said, actually my grandson. He is 21 years old. His dad passed away, and he wanted to know if he'd ever see him again. She was quite terrified to give us his number, but GUESS WHAT--he is so excited to meet with us and learn more.
This week I truly felt the joy of the work as I gave my all and testified that our Savior lives. I thought back to the chance I had to share my testimony with Ryan. I feel that same joy that I felt when I shared the gospel with Ryan. This joy is remarkable. You can feel it EVERYDAY just like I am. Share the gospel with your friends and those around you. I promise you that you will find a joy that you never imagined. I have never loved so many people in my life. My heart hurts for them when they don't accept our message because I know how special they are and how much this gospel will change their lives. I have never been so exhausted in my life, but it is all worth it.
I know that my Savior lives. I know that He suffered and died for each of us. I know that through His atonement we can find peace and receive forgiveness. Never forget the power of the Atonement. There is great joy in relying on our Savior when times are harder than you can bear. He calls, "Come unto Me”. He will give you peace and strength. I love my Savior. I know that because of His sacrifice for me, I can return home to my Heavenly Father and live with my family for eternity. This is our great message. I am thankful for the chance I have to share it. I am working to not waste a minute because this time is VERY sacred and very limited.
I love you. I pray for you all. I can't wait to hear from you. Thanksgiving is right around the corner. I am SO blessed to have a loving and caring family who loves me and supports me. I am thankful for the best parents in the world who work to give me an amazing life. I am thankful for crazy yet extraordinary siblings. I love you all. EACH OF YOU.
Until next week,
Your favorite FREEZING Russian Missionary
Sister Devynn McCartt

                                 Some cool shoes i found and had to get. i wanted european shoes :)



                                                                      sister a and i

                                                             HALLOWEEN PIZZA

                                                                       Our district

                                                             Sister Moffatt and i

                                                                      russian temple

                                                                  some cool statue

                                                              our cute little church building

                                                    sister erekson and i (my new comp)

                                                        oh baby its cold outside


                                                Sister angelos and i on our last day together

Sunday, November 17, 2013

6th cycle

These weeks seem to zoom right before my eyes, but when I reflect back on what I did this past week, I am in shock. Each week is full of so many memories, so many miracles that the Lord blesses us with so that we can bless His children. I can barely remember what I did on Monday. I have a thing called the mission brain. They say it is even worse when learning Russian. I FORGET many things IF I don't write them down. I successfully ran my last companion, Sister Angelos to the ground. We worked SO hard until the end. It was very cool to be in a taxi with her on her way to head to President's home before heading back to America. The Spirit was there as we both testified of our loving Heavenly Father, and His divine plan for us, His children. So yes, I was successful at "killing off" my companion. It is a mission thing that when you start your mission, you are "born" and when you end , you "die" or are killed by your companion.
This past cycle was challenging for me, but wow, did I learn a lot. I have grown closer to my Savior, and I know more of the power of prayer. I truly know now that my Father in Heaven knows the desires of my heart. Of course, we aren't perfect. We fall short and don't do everything exaclty right, but that is the beauty of the Atonement. I don't have much time left on my mission, but I am determined to consecrate myself EVEN more to this work. I want to give my ALL and my EVERYTHING to this work until the very end. I learned just that as I served with Sister Angelos-- our time here is short. It does end, but IF we do everything in our power to serve with ALL our heart, we will go home knowing that we made a difference. Which reminds me, I saw the Penza missonaries this week, and one new Elder came up to me and said, "Sister McCartt, you are wonderful, but I am SO TIRED of hearing your name from the members and investigators in Penza. They love you so much. You left big shoes to fill". I felt so much comfort knowing that my love for those people touched them. I am thankful for my mission. I am so happy and I have never felt healthier in my life. Yes, my health isn't perfect, but the Lord is filling in the rest. We went out running today for the first time in a long time. Wow, it felt good to sweat. I hope my new companion knows what she started! Yes, I am with a young missionary. She is actually my little trainee's old companion from the MTC. I am ready to learn and grow from her. Miracles are happening. This work is progressing. The Lord is blessing us.
I love the message that President Eyring gave in General Conference: Not exactly quoted: When someone says, 'I need your help', what they are really saying is that the Lord needs to bless you. So my message for the week is: Serve our Master more by tending and serving His sheep. Live the higher law that our Savior taught as He walked the grounds of this earth. Hold tight to the iron rod and never give up. Get on your knees when you can't manage to stand, and remember that you are loved.
I love you all.
Mom and Dad, as I watched my Mission President work this week, I was overwhelmed with the feeling that you too one day will serve a mission together. I love this work. There is real joy in serving with your whole heart.
I pray for you all daily.
I love you,
LOVE your favorite lefty daughter,
Сестра Девинн Макарт
(Sister Devynn McCartt)

Sunday, November 10, 2013

RUSSIA 101 :)

WHAT ANOTHER CRAZY WEEK THAT HAS FLOWN BY. I am in shock that this cycle has come to an end. HAPPY NOVEMBER. This week, we have worked so hard. I have really been pushing my
 companion to work hard to the end. I am ready to run her even more this week! Which reminds me, one of our investigators saw me yawning. She became overwhelmed with fear that I wasn't getting enough sleep, ESPECIALLY after she heard our sleeping schedule and that it has been hard for me to sleep at night. She gave me a mask to put on and a order to sleep more. I wish she understood why we work from sun up to sun down :). Which also reminds me, I finished my 90 day challenge of the Book of Mormon, and today started an 80 day challenge. I even commited a less active to read it with me in the 80 days. She accepted :) I love Book of Mormon. It is truly the word of God, like the Bible. I feel my Father in Heaven's love for me and I also learn and feel so much closer to my Savior, Jesus Christ. There is GREAT power in the Book of Mormon. I am really starting to learn that as I read and study it more and more and as I invite others to read and study. Yesterday, we had a beautiful miracle. A lady saw our church and decided she wanted to visit. When I gave her the Book of Mormon. She just stared at it and flipped through it many times. I am excited to keep teaching her. She is already talking about baptism. There is great power in studying each day and being obedient. I know that to be true!

My companion. Sister Angeloswill be leaving Sunday, and I will be receving a new companion. It's challenging having a companion that is going home, but it has been fun to see her squrim about going home. I cannot believe that my 6th cycle is starting so soon. Time is just flying by. It actually warmed up a little bit this week! That was pretty exciting. It was about 55 degrees.

I am so glad to have had the chance to chat with Jared and Mom today. I blame them for my horrible e-mail, but mom to answer your questions quickly.
 What is a typical day for you as a missionary? EXHAUSTING :) I'll answer that next week. We work from 630am to 1030pm at night.  What does the typical Russian in Samara do in their spare time? Literally it is a hobby for grandmas to sit on benches and people watch and gossip. They love when we say Hi or they either HATE us because they think we have something up our sleeves. A lot of people love walking with each other and talking.
Traditions: SO MANY. People love giving us apples. We have a saying that my companion and I made up with some of the words to Lord of the Rings, "One does not simply avoid apples in Russia". They give them to us ALL the time. We just have bag fulls. Everyone has a garden here. We always take our shoes off at the door. You don't shake hands with your gloves on. We rarely use are cards, just "cash". So much more. Remind me next week and I will share. I am running out of time. TEN MINUTES LEFT and so many people to reply to. I love you lots.
Sister Devynn McCartt

 1-4 The goodbyes at the trainstation. It was SO sad to say goodbye to my favorite people in Penza. They even ran after the train. I miss them!!

I love this lady. Her name is Emma. She is a Less Active. We are wworking to get her back to church.

AMERICAN CANDY + HOMEMADE remedy for my face. It hates RUSSIA's water. but it has been doing so much better :)

                                                                 Irena and I

Monday, November 4, 2013


My extraordinary family!
I sure have been missing you all this week. When I get homesick or down, I just say a prayer and try to work even harder for my Heavenly Father. One day, I was feeling really down. We hadn'tbeen seeing much success here. We were riding on a transport to attempt to find a less active, when I just felt the impression to just pour my heart out to my Heavenly Father in prayer. I sat there looking out the window with tears in my eyes, asking Heavenly Father to send us someone who issearching for truth and help. I told Him that I would make an even greater effort to talk to everyone. I told Him that I would be even more obedient than I already was, and that I would work EVEN harder. We got off the tram, and immediately, I began talking to every one. We walked for miles and couldn't find the less active'shouse. We decided to keep walking a little farther before we turned around to walk home. The next thing I knew, Isaw a woman pushing a stroller and a little girl walking beside her. I approached them with a smile and began sharing our message. She just stared at me with much interest and curiosity. I turned and greeted her daughter in the stroller, and she began smiling and laughing. The mom in shock turned to us and said, "She NEVER smiles at strangers. Can I invite you to come over to share your message and have tea with me?" OF COURSE, we quickly said, "Yes!". I asked her why she had felt inclined to invite us over, and she replied," There was something telling me to. I could feel a great Spirit radiating from the two of you. I knew I needed to learn more." Right then, I invited her to be baptized WHEN she came to know what we had to share was true. She quickly and excitedly accepted. By the end of the lesson, we had taught her the Restoration, committed her to be baptized on November 9th, given her a Book of Mormon, and set up a meeting to come over the next day. I have never met a more open person, I have never met someone who needs this Gospel as much as her family needs it. We visited her many times this week with Sister Schwab (The mission president's wife). Her daughter was sick so she couldn't come to church this week, but she promised she would next week.(This will require us to move her baptismal date back a week, but we will worry about that later). She also invited friends over to learn more. She is reading the Book of Mormon, and already told us she knows that it is the word of God. She told us this week that everytime we enter her home the Spirit filledthe house. She admitted that she isn't a big fan of her home, but when the Spirit is there--it seems like a different place. Please pray for Irena and her girls!
I know that our Heavenly Father answers prayers. I know that He is aware of His children. He knows us and He loves us. I know that as she continues to read the Book of Mormon, repent, develop her faith in Jesus Christ, enters in the water of baptism, and receives the gift of the Holy Ghost--that her life will change. She will feel a peace and joy that she never thought she could find. I know this work is real. Miracles are occurring everyday, I just need to make sure I realize how blessed I am.
Thank you for your prayers. I am working harder than ever and feeling better than ever. That there is a miracle. I am not perfectly healed, but I am well enough to keep pushing and work with unweariness. This work is the Lord's work. I know that with my whole heart. What a blessing to be here in the Samara, Russia Mission.
By the way, The new movie Saratov Approach, is in my mission. Hehe :) I hope that doesn't scare you! I heard it is incredible! Go see it!
I am thankful for my Savior, Jesus Christ. He is my Master and my King. It is because of His sacrifice that I can become clean and return to live with my Father in Heaven AND my earthly family for eternity. What a beautiful blessing.
I love you. Keep working hard and never give up. Read your scriptures everyday, ESPECIALLY the Book of Mormon. Feelings of peaceand joy will come into your life more than ever before. I am grateful for the Book of Mormon and the Bible. They truly bring me closer to my Savior and help me to become more like Him.
Until next week!
Much love!
Sister Devynn McCartt

Zalata (one of the daughters of Irena) and I
I will send more next week :)

                                                     I miss her! Our investigator in Penza. The MIRACLE

                                                                                Oh how I miss her too :)

                                             My district minus a set of Elders, plus our ward mission leader

This is Bepa (It means Faith, pronounced Vera). She gave me this drawling to take home. I dont have the frame, but I have the painting.

                                                                              Some of the branch.

                                                                                     FALL IS HERE

                                                               President of the branches wife in Penza!

                                                                     My last Sunday in Penza- I love her!

                                                                               Cutest baby ever!