Monday, November 4, 2013


My extraordinary family!
I sure have been missing you all this week. When I get homesick or down, I just say a prayer and try to work even harder for my Heavenly Father. One day, I was feeling really down. We hadn'tbeen seeing much success here. We were riding on a transport to attempt to find a less active, when I just felt the impression to just pour my heart out to my Heavenly Father in prayer. I sat there looking out the window with tears in my eyes, asking Heavenly Father to send us someone who issearching for truth and help. I told Him that I would make an even greater effort to talk to everyone. I told Him that I would be even more obedient than I already was, and that I would work EVEN harder. We got off the tram, and immediately, I began talking to every one. We walked for miles and couldn't find the less active'shouse. We decided to keep walking a little farther before we turned around to walk home. The next thing I knew, Isaw a woman pushing a stroller and a little girl walking beside her. I approached them with a smile and began sharing our message. She just stared at me with much interest and curiosity. I turned and greeted her daughter in the stroller, and she began smiling and laughing. The mom in shock turned to us and said, "She NEVER smiles at strangers. Can I invite you to come over to share your message and have tea with me?" OF COURSE, we quickly said, "Yes!". I asked her why she had felt inclined to invite us over, and she replied," There was something telling me to. I could feel a great Spirit radiating from the two of you. I knew I needed to learn more." Right then, I invited her to be baptized WHEN she came to know what we had to share was true. She quickly and excitedly accepted. By the end of the lesson, we had taught her the Restoration, committed her to be baptized on November 9th, given her a Book of Mormon, and set up a meeting to come over the next day. I have never met a more open person, I have never met someone who needs this Gospel as much as her family needs it. We visited her many times this week with Sister Schwab (The mission president's wife). Her daughter was sick so she couldn't come to church this week, but she promised she would next week.(This will require us to move her baptismal date back a week, but we will worry about that later). She also invited friends over to learn more. She is reading the Book of Mormon, and already told us she knows that it is the word of God. She told us this week that everytime we enter her home the Spirit filledthe house. She admitted that she isn't a big fan of her home, but when the Spirit is there--it seems like a different place. Please pray for Irena and her girls!
I know that our Heavenly Father answers prayers. I know that He is aware of His children. He knows us and He loves us. I know that as she continues to read the Book of Mormon, repent, develop her faith in Jesus Christ, enters in the water of baptism, and receives the gift of the Holy Ghost--that her life will change. She will feel a peace and joy that she never thought she could find. I know this work is real. Miracles are occurring everyday, I just need to make sure I realize how blessed I am.
Thank you for your prayers. I am working harder than ever and feeling better than ever. That there is a miracle. I am not perfectly healed, but I am well enough to keep pushing and work with unweariness. This work is the Lord's work. I know that with my whole heart. What a blessing to be here in the Samara, Russia Mission.
By the way, The new movie Saratov Approach, is in my mission. Hehe :) I hope that doesn't scare you! I heard it is incredible! Go see it!
I am thankful for my Savior, Jesus Christ. He is my Master and my King. It is because of His sacrifice that I can become clean and return to live with my Father in Heaven AND my earthly family for eternity. What a beautiful blessing.
I love you. Keep working hard and never give up. Read your scriptures everyday, ESPECIALLY the Book of Mormon. Feelings of peaceand joy will come into your life more than ever before. I am grateful for the Book of Mormon and the Bible. They truly bring me closer to my Savior and help me to become more like Him.
Until next week!
Much love!
Sister Devynn McCartt

Zalata (one of the daughters of Irena) and I
I will send more next week :)

                                                     I miss her! Our investigator in Penza. The MIRACLE

                                                                                Oh how I miss her too :)

                                             My district minus a set of Elders, plus our ward mission leader

This is Bepa (It means Faith, pronounced Vera). She gave me this drawling to take home. I dont have the frame, but I have the painting.

                                                                              Some of the branch.

                                                                                     FALL IS HERE

                                                               President of the branches wife in Penza!

                                                                     My last Sunday in Penza- I love her!

                                                                               Cutest baby ever!

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