Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Week 19 in Russia!!

Hello to my WONDERFUL family,

I would first like to start my letter by saying, Thank you. Thank you for your love and your support each week. I can't tell you how much it means to me. I always get so re-energized and ready to work after reading my emails from each of you. SO THANK YOU. I spent a lot of time writing emails to others so this letter may be a little short. Forgive me :)

This week we had a Zone Conference with Elder Bennett of the Seventy. My oh my, I learned a lot. I learned that I need to help the people here find and have what I want for myself in life. Each day I am going to work to find those people that the Lord is preparing. Here in Russia, we are finding the lost 10 tribes. They are here. Every single one of them. I am a fisher and a hunter gathering Israel. I learned that as I give my all and forget about myself, that I will go home a better me--someone who my Father in Heaven wants me to be. I need to more fully give the Lord my time now. I will have my time later! I am trying to not waste a single moment of my sacred mission time. I am working to give to the Lord more. I know that as I sacrifice, I will witness the powers of Heaven opening up to me. I have already seen that lately. As we have sacrificed more, Sister Henriksen and I have had many miracles. We have found those people that are ready to listen.

I am working even harder to focus on others. I was told, life doesn't get easier after the mission. It only gets harder. We are in a marriage training center. I am becoming who my Father needs me to become so I can become a better wife and mother for my future family. I want my future family to know and you all to know, that in my family--we serve missions. This work is impossible, if we don't sacrifice and share the gospel. Start being a missionary today. Start sharing the gospel today. It is as simple as an invitation. I know the Lord will bless you as you sacrifice and show Him that you are willing to open your mouth. He will lead you to people who are willing and ready to listen. I promise you that. He is doing it for us here in Russia.

I am grateful for all that I learned. I know that as I give more of myself, I WILL see miracles.

I love you all,
see you next Monday :)

getting ready for train ride

Love that little girl!

Masha and I.

Masha and I again!

LOOK, i GOT MY RUSSIAN WINTER COAT :) nice and down and real fur. should be nice for the winter

us and Alona!

My planners. 4th cycle!!


Have you ever been asked if your teeth are your own or fake? ONLY IN RUSSIA! Have you ever walked passed a man lying flat on the ground wondering if he is dead or just past out because of too much Vodka? ONLY IN RUSSIA! Have you ever stopped to help a drunk man who has decided to take a comfortable sit in the middle of a busy highway? ONLY IN RUSSIA! Have you ever thought that it would be totally acceptable to pee in public at any time or any place? ONLY IN RUSSIA! (I've walked by over 50 or 60 people peeing in public since I came here).Have you ever felt so hated BUT yet so loved? That's A MISSION for you. Many days we get cursed at, pushed away, and glared at. Many times a day do I get told that I am a part of a cult, but many more times a day I get smiled at;many more times a day do I receive hugs, and a "thanks for talking with me". That's what this work is all about. Giving your all to just help lift someone's day and to help them know that they are loved. This work is amazing, and these people are so loving. Sometimes you have to shuffle through the not so kind people to find those that are willing to listen.

We have been seeing many miracles in Penza. I met this incredible young girl on a bus who has been open to listen. She told me that she knows it is not by chance that we met. Our first lesson we gave her a Book of Mormon, and she told us she would read it. I also had the blessing on helping on a lesson with one of the Elders' investigators on Sunday. She is a member referral and wow, Heavenly Father has prepared her to know of the truthfulness of this gospel. In just 3 weeks, she has read to Alma in the Book of Mormon, and has the strongest desire to be baptized. On Sunday, we asked her to be baptized on September 8th. Excitedly, she accepted. Even though she isn't my investigator, I am beyond happy. It doesn't matter if I am her missionary or not--the happiness comes because I know that she is taking the right steps to returning home to her Father in Heaven. This work is REAL, and these people are REAL sons and daughters of our Father in Heaven. I know that the Lord is preparing His children to accept our message, we just need to find them. They are out there!

I will be staying Penza for at least one more cycle to finish training Sister Henriksen. I am excited to work our butts off this next cycle :)

As for an update on the boy who jumped out of the window. He is seeing incredible miracles. They thought he would not be able to seee, but just yesterday for 30 seconds..he saw everything and then it went dark. It gives us great hope that he will see again!

This gospel is true! I know it with my whole heart because I have prayed about it and asked for myself. I have grown and become such a better daughter of my Heavenly Father. Each day I find weaknesses, and each day I try to improve them. I love this work even if it is hard. The hard it is, the better it is for me :)

I will be emailing next Tuesday because of our Zone Conference.

I love you all!

Speaking Russian :)

This defines us.

My new Russian shirt and shoes. You likey?!

Some yummy ranch chicken meal

Happy 6 month mark CELEBRATION. I couldn't have been happier :)

Yeah, we're cool


Majority of the cars look like this :)

Some random Russian path

Our district :)

Week 17!

Wow, some days seem to drag on for months, but the weeks just FLY by. I can't believe it is Monday again, and I am back at the computer attempting to write an understandable letter home! Well, after our 40 days and 40 nights of Rain (haha just kidding, not really)-- we finally had SUN. And LOTS of it. I can definitely say that I am thankful for sunny days. Here in Russia, they don't have draining systems so during the rain season--you just get used to trotting through muddy puddles of water that sometimes reach past your ankles. Some days, it just rains cats and dogs all day. There was this one day that it just started pouring and hailing while we were out contacting AND of course knowing me-- I didn't have my umbrella. Instead of getting down because we were soaking wet, we just embraced it, ran under a ledge, and continued talking to the sweet lady that we had met on the street. I feel like that is one of the most important things to do on a mission or in life in general--FIND JOY IN THE SMALL THINGS. Don't get caught up on the little things that go wrong. Like my dear friend, Kenny Chesney says, "Keep on the Sunny Side of Life." Smile, even when it is easier to frown. That's my divine thought for the week, JUST SMILE! From personal experience, I know that it makes like easier and of course, it brightens the day of others!

I will admit though, I am starting to get worried that I will leave Penza. This place has become my home in Russia. The members have become my family here in Russia. We get transfer calls this Saturday. Now of course. it will be hard to leave this wonderful place, but if I am transferred, I know it is because the Lord needs me else where. For "I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded" of me. Sound familiar?! That is the attitude I have been taking lately. I know the Lord will guide and direct me to do all that he asks me to do. After my 100 day challenge of reading the Book of Mormon, I have now started a 90 day challenge to finish it. (I am also working on reading Jesus the Christ and the New Testament). I am really trying to focus on applying each chapter to my life and how I can become a better missionary and daughter of our Heavenly Father.

I had many cool experiences this week. One night after planning, I went into the bathroom, closed the door, got on my knees, and just talked with my Heavenly Father. During my prayer, I just told Heavenly Father everything that I was experiencing. Every pain and every joy. With all sincerity, I asked, "Father, why when I feel like I am doing the best I can-- I can't feel your spirit around me. I feel like here in Russia where I need it the most-- I sometimes can't feel it." I continued my prayer, but I can't tell you how much I was overwhelmed by my Heavenly Father's love for me at that moment. I didn't receive an answer why, but I knew He was listening. It wasn't until Tuesday afternoon, that I felt like I needed to ask for a blessing from my District Leader. Once again, as I was given the blessing, I felt Heavenly Father's love surround me. I know it was Heavenly Father speaking to me through Elder Campbell. In the blessing I was told, "Sister McCartt, Heavenly Father wants you to know that He loves you so much. Sometimes, he withdraws the Holy Ghost from you so you can be strengthened and grow stronger." I immediately knew Heavenly Father was answering my plea from the night before. I know it was no coincidence that those words were said in my blessing. I know He heard my prayers and I know He loves me. He loves each and everyone of us. Never forget how much you are loved. Sometimes when things get tough, I tend to forget, BUT we are so loved. The creator of this universe loves us more than we can ever imagine.

I had the blessing of meeting our new mission president and his wife. They are incredible. I had a while to talk with them and share with them my life at this moment. The greatest lesson I was taught by them is to be PATIENT. That's exactly what Sister Schwab told me, Just be patient. it all works out :) I was told that as I stay a faithful missionary--all will work out in the end. I was told not to fear-- I have a lot to look forward to.

Enjoy your weeks and never forget how much I love each and every one of you :)

I love you,


Our apartment

. Journey into the Russian

баба женя and us

баба женя and i

This is what happens on trains

look a 2 year supply of tampons!!!! (Thanks to Darla Bennett!)

The 16th week

Hello to the best family in the world!

I am getting to that point where I am making horrible grammar errors with my English! I can't even form sentences in English properly. I am starting to speak like a Russian even in ENGLISH! My inflections are even like Russians! So I do apologize if sometimes my letters come out CRAZY and if my English is terrible! Dad, you'll just have to edit it for me. :)

This week absolutely flew by. I can barely remember what happened. Here are some good and bad highlights for the week! Remember our amazing miracle guy, Daniel who wanted to learn more and was reading the Book of Mormon? Well, he literally disappeared. We called his phone and his friend answered. He told us that Daniel got transferred and left for another city. We are heart broken that he disappeared because we wanted so much to help him, but we hope that he has gained enough of a testimony to keep searching. That has gotten us a little down, but I have been trying to remember that even when I experience disappointments, I need to keep working hard, smiling, and I can NEVER give up. I have found that it is so important to avoid being discouraged because it WILL weaken your faith. I experienced a cool miracle yesterday, a couple of weeks ago I had met this lady that was a conductor on a bus.I told her she was very beautiful. She was a little thrown off and told me that she has never thought that. We ended up having a wonderful conversation, but things got crazy on the bus so she had to go and take some payments. I didn't get a chance to get her number, but felt like I should have asked her! Well yesterday, We got on the bus she was working on! I have never been happier! We never take buses (I hate them because they are so slow), but I felt like we should. It is those small miracles that really help you notice that God is watching over us. What a blessing! I am calling her tonight to set up a time to meet!

I also finished the Book of Mormon the day before my 100 challenge was over!
Oh in other news, it has rained for over 14 days straight! I can't decide if that is better than being super hot! All I know is I am ready for so sun!

I remember always seeing the missionaries falling asleep in Sacrament. I use to always chuckle as I watched them fight to stay awake. NOW I know how they feel. I feel like that is my struggle every week to stay awake during church. I have never been so exhausted in my life, but it is a good exhaustion knowing that I am doing it for the Lord.

Mom and Dad, I want you to know how grateful I am for both of you. You are a large part of the reason that i am here in Russia serving my Father in Heaven. I can't tell you how much I love you and how grateful I am for your uplifting words. You always know exactly what I need to hear to help me keep going. I am so blessed to be your daughter. I am so blessed to have such an incredible family and to have such amazing friends that love and support me! I am so grateful for you example and for you love for our Savior. It radiates by your actions!

Sorry this letter is so random, but know that I love each one of you. I am praying for you all everyday! Keep smiling even when the days are long and hard!

I love you,

Us with Galya! Young member who was baptized just over a year ago!

Sister Henriksen and I.

Lena and I. She is an incredible woman! I have grown to know and love her so much. Her and her family were baptized last November.

That's a little bit of Russia for you :)

Just missing the water on these summer days :)

Sometimes us missionaries need a little extra energy. Our district decided to all get one :)

. Sister Vera and I. I LOVE her.

Our district dinners

SISTER young and I reunited :)

Sister Henriksen and Sister Young.

The group :)

Sister Clyde and I. We went on exchanges :)

Week 15

Hey everyone,

I just heard some hard news from back at home. I am a little weighed down right now and the internet is being VERY funky so this e-mail may not be too long.

I want to share with you some thoughts that Sister Young left me on our exchange this week. It reminded me a lot about the letter I received from dad. I was really frustrated with myself because I was experiencing challenging moments and feeling very weak. I now know without a doubt that as we endure these challenges well: we will be strengthened. Sometimes we have these "shades" on and all we see is darkness or at least everything around us is in a darker shade. At that time, we may not see a glowing exit sign that can lead us to an exit with light. We come to these moments in our life so that we can completely and more full heatedly rely on the Lord instead of our worldly senses like sight. If we didn't have these times-- we would never know what it feels like to be completely vulnerable and yet still put ALL your trust in Him. These are the moments in life that we will always remember.These are the times that you really came to know God and you know what the true definition of sacrifice and what true happiness is. Treasure these moments and take the learning opportunity that the Lord is blessing you with. YES, i said blessing. I have grown to know this more and more each day on my mission. Each trial, I have grown. Each trial, I have received strength. Each trial gives me more want to share the peace that I feel because of my Savior, Jesus Christ. I am so thankful for Him. I want the whole world to know that they too can feel that peace!

Our miracle last week, Daniel is amazing! We had an incredible lesson with him, where I was able to help him throw his cigarettes away. I know the spirit guided me and I know it was the spirit talking. Never in

my life have I felt the spirit work through me as I answered his questions. He came to church and loved it! I will update you more on him next week :)

My eye is healing! It was just an accident. We were playing ultimate frisbee and I went to catch the frisbee in the goal line and smacked my face on the pole! BUT I caught it! That is all that matters, right? :)

I love you all so much,



This describes our companionship!

This describes our companionship!

I am not sure, just us! :)

This is my bedtime attire every night because my companion loves the AC. It's okay because I love snuggling up in my blanket and pillows! 1. BIG HOODIE, SWEATS, AND WOOL SOCKS.

Week 14!

Hello everyone :)

I know I say this every week, but WHAT A WEEK. I don't think I have ever worked so hard in my entire life. By the end of the day and after listening and speaking Russian all day, my brain has pure mush. I have never slept better in my life because at the end of each night I know that I have given my all. We have seen the miracles just flashing before our eyes, and I am so thankful. Although, I have not seen a baptism yet, I know I am helping these people. Today, my district leader, Elder Campbell told me that when we were all on a bus heading home from church-- he saw me talking to a lady. He told me that after I left, she just couldn't stop smiling. He told me that it was really cool to see the affect we have on people even if they don't want to hear our message. It really touched me to hear that I was making a difference. That's what I want to do more than anything. Of course, I am working hard to find, teach, and baptized because that is why I am here. BUT I am also here to help these people to have hope, to help them realize that they are loved by a Heavenly Father, and to help them realize that they ARE important. I can't tell you how many people I talk to that tell me that they don't feel loved or important. It breaks my heart. I love these people with my whole heart. I want to help each of my brothers and sisters here in Russia to have hope and to feel loved.

Yesterday was a hard day for me. I am not sure why. I was VERY exhausted, and then that just leads to you feeling very weighed do. I am not sure why, but I just felt a lot of weight on my shoulders. During the passing of Sacrament, I just plead with Heavenly Father to give me that strength that I needed to do more. I just felt very unsuccessful, but I am not sure why because I have seen so many miracles this week. I told Him that I was willing to work hard, to give more of myself, and to strive to be better--I just needed the strength to be able to do all that for Him. I still felt weighed down throughout the day, but I just kept pushing forward. It was incredible how yesterday, we were so guided by the Spirit to come in contact with the very person we needed to. We were walking and contacting to a less actives house, when a young man (late 20's) approached us and asked what we were talking about with people. I didn't understand him at first because I wasn't listening so I said, "kak?" (what?) He just kind of walked away, but then turned around and started talking to us again. I know God sent him to us so we could help him receive the answers he is looking for in life. He is very believing, but is looking for more. WE HAVE MORE FOR HIM! We found a bench and ended up teaching him a lesson, gave him the Book of Mormon, and set up another day to meet with him this week. He told us, he would start reading tonight! I know that Father in Heaven heard my pleas that day. I know that he guided us to Данил (Daniel). I pray that he will continue to want to learn more!

I know without a doubt that we have a Father in Heaven who loves us. He knows us better than we know ourselves. In life we experience heartaches, bigger trials than we think we can handle, and heartbreaks. I have learned this more here than I ever thought I would. BUT I know that the Lord knows better than I. When we experience hard trials, it is ONLY for our benefit. I am grateful to know that all will be well.

I love you. Thank you for your love and support. I feel your prayers.

Mom- thank you for the update on the family. Tell Cole, Ethan, and Jared that I will write them next week. I loved there emails.

Daddy- I love you so much. I can't tell you how much I loved your email last week. It gave me more strength than you will ever know. I love you daddy. I am thankful to have a dad like you in my life. You are the best of the best!


BY THE WAY, my eye is okay :) it is healing great!

. Sweet investigator gave us these delicious cucumbers and apples all from her garden :)

Beautiful view!

First week together!

YEP, i got a black eye! It is a great conversation starter with people :) AND it didn't hurt too bad.

Can't see it too well, but man it hurts! My whole check bone was swollen!

Sister Henriksen and I

My dear grandma katya and I.