Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Week 17!

Wow, some days seem to drag on for months, but the weeks just FLY by. I can't believe it is Monday again, and I am back at the computer attempting to write an understandable letter home! Well, after our 40 days and 40 nights of Rain (haha just kidding, not really)-- we finally had SUN. And LOTS of it. I can definitely say that I am thankful for sunny days. Here in Russia, they don't have draining systems so during the rain season--you just get used to trotting through muddy puddles of water that sometimes reach past your ankles. Some days, it just rains cats and dogs all day. There was this one day that it just started pouring and hailing while we were out contacting AND of course knowing me-- I didn't have my umbrella. Instead of getting down because we were soaking wet, we just embraced it, ran under a ledge, and continued talking to the sweet lady that we had met on the street. I feel like that is one of the most important things to do on a mission or in life in general--FIND JOY IN THE SMALL THINGS. Don't get caught up on the little things that go wrong. Like my dear friend, Kenny Chesney says, "Keep on the Sunny Side of Life." Smile, even when it is easier to frown. That's my divine thought for the week, JUST SMILE! From personal experience, I know that it makes like easier and of course, it brightens the day of others!

I will admit though, I am starting to get worried that I will leave Penza. This place has become my home in Russia. The members have become my family here in Russia. We get transfer calls this Saturday. Now of course. it will be hard to leave this wonderful place, but if I am transferred, I know it is because the Lord needs me else where. For "I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded" of me. Sound familiar?! That is the attitude I have been taking lately. I know the Lord will guide and direct me to do all that he asks me to do. After my 100 day challenge of reading the Book of Mormon, I have now started a 90 day challenge to finish it. (I am also working on reading Jesus the Christ and the New Testament). I am really trying to focus on applying each chapter to my life and how I can become a better missionary and daughter of our Heavenly Father.

I had many cool experiences this week. One night after planning, I went into the bathroom, closed the door, got on my knees, and just talked with my Heavenly Father. During my prayer, I just told Heavenly Father everything that I was experiencing. Every pain and every joy. With all sincerity, I asked, "Father, why when I feel like I am doing the best I can-- I can't feel your spirit around me. I feel like here in Russia where I need it the most-- I sometimes can't feel it." I continued my prayer, but I can't tell you how much I was overwhelmed by my Heavenly Father's love for me at that moment. I didn't receive an answer why, but I knew He was listening. It wasn't until Tuesday afternoon, that I felt like I needed to ask for a blessing from my District Leader. Once again, as I was given the blessing, I felt Heavenly Father's love surround me. I know it was Heavenly Father speaking to me through Elder Campbell. In the blessing I was told, "Sister McCartt, Heavenly Father wants you to know that He loves you so much. Sometimes, he withdraws the Holy Ghost from you so you can be strengthened and grow stronger." I immediately knew Heavenly Father was answering my plea from the night before. I know it was no coincidence that those words were said in my blessing. I know He heard my prayers and I know He loves me. He loves each and everyone of us. Never forget how much you are loved. Sometimes when things get tough, I tend to forget, BUT we are so loved. The creator of this universe loves us more than we can ever imagine.

I had the blessing of meeting our new mission president and his wife. They are incredible. I had a while to talk with them and share with them my life at this moment. The greatest lesson I was taught by them is to be PATIENT. That's exactly what Sister Schwab told me, Just be patient. it all works out :) I was told that as I stay a faithful missionary--all will work out in the end. I was told not to fear-- I have a lot to look forward to.

Enjoy your weeks and never forget how much I love each and every one of you :)

I love you,


Our apartment

. Journey into the Russian

баба женя and us

баба женя and i

This is what happens on trains

look a 2 year supply of tampons!!!! (Thanks to Darla Bennett!)

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