Sunday, October 27, 2013

OH how I love RUSSIA!

Hello my lovely family, 

Words cannot describe this week other than: I know my Father in Heaven loves me and knows me. This week has been fully of fervent prayer and fasting. I am thankful for your willingness to fast in my behalf. I have felt each one of your prayers, and I have felt your love for me. 

Saturday night, President and Sister Schwab, My companion, 2 other sisters, you all, and I joined in a fast. Yesterday, as we gathered together in a room at the church with the Assists to the President to give me a blessing of healing, the spirit filled the room. President Scwab asked, "I know if Christ was here, he would ask you this very question. Sister McCartt, do you have the faith that Christ can heal you?" With tears in my eyes, I replied, "I do, I really do". He asked us in the room, as I ask you right now, to join in me with the faith to know that Jesus Christ can heal me so I can do his work more effectively. As he began the blessing, peace filled my body. He told me of how proud our Father in Heaven is of my sacrifice that I have made, and then he said, You are needed here on your mission, and you are meant to be here and you need to stay and serve your full term. Tears filled my eyes. My heart felt so much peace knowing that all would be okay, and knowing that I would be staying because that is what the Lord needs. He continued on blessing my body even every cell. He blessed me with a peace of heart and mind. He instructed me to do many things that would help strengthen me and give me the strength that I need. He said, "move forward with faith, and you will be healed". He then added, the Lord can heal you and He will, but not all of it with be taken away, but it will be enough so that I can do all that the Lord needs me to do here in Russia. I believe that sometimes, the Lord gives us discomforts and hardships so that we can grow stronger and become more who He needs us to become. I know that He can heal me IF it be His will, but I am ready to continue to push forward with faith in my Savior, Jesus Christ.

SO I am STAYING in Russia, and I will be serving my full time to July 21st, WHICH scarily enough is exactly 9 months from today. I left feeling so much peace and comfort. GUESS WHAT?! This morning I woke up with no stomach pain, just a little weakness. I KNOW that my Father in Heaven loves me. He hears our pleas and He knows us. I know that the strength I am feeling right now is because of Him. The blessing blessed me to have the Savior's influence more in my life. I can already see the change in myself since that blessing. I am so grateful to be a missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. This work is REAL. Miracles are occurring. People are approaching US, and ASKING US about what we are sharing. Last night, Sister Angelos and I were walking down the street--when a lady just stopped and started staring at us. SO of course, we went up to her with huge smiles on our face and began to talk to her. She was SO open to hear more and kept asking us about our church and what we did there. She told us that she would come on Sunday. I pray she does. Miracles like this are happening ALL the time!! 

I received this from my mom this week so for those of you who have not heard the story, PLEASE read. It is incredible how the Lord is leading me to those who are willing to listen, AND now my mom has the blessing to share with her more about our GREAT message!
So, two days ago, just before I left there was a phone call and I glanced at the caller ID (the phone does not ring very often and I was in a huge hurry so as to not make Daddy late for his game).  Jared answered the phone after I saw that the name looked very foreign and I thought maybe it was one of the families of the kids Ethan plays soccer with.  Jared said something to the effect that he didn't know when I would be available to speak and then I took the phone and quickly asked if I could call her back her name was Olga.  I called her on Dad's cell as we drove to Atlee High School.  This woman was a professor in New York; she teaches Medical science there.  She said she traveled from Moscow to Kiev, Ukraine with Devynn and had the opportunity to talk with Devynn. (Devynn and all of the other missionaries must leave Russia every 6 months so that they can be considered travelers or something like that)  Olga is Russian and she had traveled to Russia to visit with her mother.  She said that Devynn spoke amazingly well and she could not believe that she was only in the country for 6 months.  Olga told me that Devynn understood everything that she said.  And then she said (which made me cry)  She spoke with such power!  Wow that got me.  She said that Devynn loves us very much, she is so sensitive, she can read faces and is sooooo beautiful.  Olga stated that she reminded her of her own daughter who is 21.  She also told me that Sister McCartt gave her a book.  She invited me to come and see her in New York!  I loved it.  How cool is that!  Not coincidental that is for absolute certainty.

Thanks for your love, your smiles, and your faith. With faith in our Savior, all things are possible. I know this is true. I am sorry I haven't sent pictures, my new place is harder to send them. I will try next week :)

I love you SO much, 
your favorite russian missionary

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Yet ANOTHER week in Russia!

Hello once again, 
The mission life is far different than normal daily life. Each and every day is devoted to others. Each day, I wake up and began my morning pleading for the salvation of others. Pleading with Heavenly Father to help us find those who are ready and willing to listen. I know He hears my pleas. Each day, I study the scriptures and the Russian language--slowly so I can be prepared to talk and teach those who are willing to listen. Then at the end of the day, after walking for hours sharing our message, after stopping by less actives and investigators--I end the night by praying and studying for those we teach. Since my health has been a little bit shaky in the mornings, I spend most meals and before bed, studying and praying. I am so thankful for a loving Heavenly Father, who loves each of us more than we can imagine. I am grateful for His personal love for me. At the close of the day, I often go into the bathroom, get on my knees, and just talk to my Father in Heaven. I know He hears me. Prayer is such a blessing. When we prayer, we are speaking to God. It is important that our prayers are from the heart because he is on the other end listening. When I pray, I know who I am speaking to and I know that He is listening. 

We finally were able to listen to General Conference this weekend. I went into conference with many questions that I had studied and prayed about, and I left feeling full of peace and joy because each of my questions were answered. It was yet another testimony to me that our Father in Heaven loves us and knows are needs. I know that He is helping my health. I know that all will be okay. This week, I will be receiving a blessing from my Mission President. He will be fasting and praying to know what the next step is for me. As for me, I will be praying and trying to have the faith that through the Atonement of our Savior, Jesus Christ, I can be healed and continue my mission here. I have so much left to do on my mission. 

I have such a testimony of faith. I know that as we have faith, miracles will happen. I see them everyday. I am striving to have the prayer of faith nightly. Please exercise faith. D&C 6:36 rings in my mind every time I began to doubt. "Look unto me in every thought. Doubt not, fear not." Satan wants us to fear. I must not allow him to bring fear into my heart because that will hinder the work. 

Thank you for your prayers and love for me. I feel them. I have received so much strength this week, and I know it is because of each of your prayers of faith. Thank you for remembering me :)

I love you all. 
Sister McCartt

Monday, October 7, 2013

ONE crazy WEEK!

Hello to my wonderful family,
My mission is beginning to more and more define who I am. Each trial I face, I find myself becoming who the Lord needs me to be. I know that these experiences are molding me into someone better. Even though they are challenging and sometimes frightening, I know they are for my own benefit. I do apologize for frightening you all last week when I told you about my incident. It was a very overwhelming experience for me, but it really strengthened me and taught me an incredible amount. My mission president told me he spoke with you about the incident. I am grateful for your letters of love and support. I know that you all are praying for me each and everyday. I can't tell you how grateful I am to know that. I receive so much strength from your words of support. Daddy, I am thankful for your weekly e-mails to me. They are always full of advice that I need to hear. I can't tell you how many of your e-mails have helped me through a trial that I face the following week. You are one of the most hardworking people I know. I am thankful for your example. Mommy, I am thankful for your sweet reminders of how much I am loved by my family back home and by my Father in Heaven. Even though I am thousands of miles away, I feel your love SO strongly. Thank you for your love!
I must say, I am thankful for prayer. It is through prayer that I can keep marching forward when things are more challenging than I think I can handle.  
President Schwab also told me that he spoke with you about my health. Sorry for not telling you sooner, I was trying to keep it a secret because I didn’t want you to worry, but it has gotten a bit worse. Please pray for me. Each morning I deal with intense morning sickness and stomach pain. I have also been having really bad headaches. They are not sure what it is or if a virus is causing it. They are looking at options for me to come home and get tested, I don't want to but it may be the best option. I just want to return. My time here is not over. I know that without a doubt. I have people I need to help here. I am on a medicine that the doctors think may help me. It has made me REALLY drowsy. Not the funnest week for me, but I am still trying to work hard. I know that the Lord is aware of my circumstances, and I know He is here helping me continue forward. All is well, PLEASE don’t fear :). I get some blood test back this Friday and President is talking to the Mission Health Department. I will have him e-mail you if an updated is needed.
This week was almost a blur for me. The doctor had me running from place to place getting tested AND then I had the chance to go to Kiev, Ukraine on a VISA trip. Longest adventure of my life, I ended of getting really sick on the plane, but it was STILL very fun!  
I am grateful for your prayers. I feel them. :)
I love you SO much. Never forget!

Love your favorite lefty daughter!

MY MTC GROUP reunited and pictures of Ukraine and Moscow! Every 6 months we have to travel out of the country to renew our VISA. We went to Ukraine. 


Hello my dear family,
LET the 5th cycle begin...OH BOY, I AM GETTING OLD! 

Oh my, words can not express my past week. BUT, if I had to summarize this would be my week: Alma 26: 26 But behold, my beloved…we came into [Russia] not with the intent to destroy our brethren, but with the intent that perhaps we might save some few of their souls.
27 Now when our hearts were depressed, and we were about to turn back, behold, the Lord comforted us, and said: Go amongst thy brethren, the [Russians], and bear with patience thine afflictions, and I will give unto you success.
 28 And now behold, we have come, and been forth amongst them; and we have been patient in our sufferings, and we have suffered every privation; yea, we have traveled from house to house, relying upon the mercies of the world—not upon the mercies of the world alone but upon the mercies of God.
 I had some really high moments and some really low moments. The beginning of my week started off with me getting both armed grabbed and almost taken by this man and his friends while we were helping a lady up from falling. (I don’t mean to scare especially by sharing this with you, but I promised I would). Luckily, the Lord is on our side and I was able to kick and punch my way out, and Sister Henriksen and I escaped without physical harm. As we dashed away, I began to cry. I still can’t explain why I felt so overwhelmed with fear and frustration. Satan has been attacking not only me, but our whole mission. I know that he realizes that we are willing to give more and sacrifice more. I am really trying to consecrate myself to these people and to this work more and more each day. Monday night after the incident, I received a blessing. I can’t express to you the strength, peace, and love I felt from my Father in Heaven. I know that He loves me and He is watching over me here in Russia. I know that as I am patient and give my all, we will see miracles, and we will find those people ready to accept our message. I want to be able to say at the end of my mission what Ammon said to his brethren after their dedicated service:  
29 And we have entered into their houses and taught them, and we have taught them in their streets; yea, and we have taught them upon their hills; and we have also entered into their temples and their synagogues and taught them; and we have been cast out, and mocked, and spit upon, and smote upon our cheeks; and we have been stoned, and taken and bound with strong cords, and cast into prison; and through the power and wisdom of God we have been delivered again.
30 And we have suffered all manner of afflictions, and all this, that perhaps we might be the means of saving some soul; and we supposed that our joy would be full if perhaps we could be the means of saving some.
31 Now behold, we can look forth and see the fruits of our labors; and are they few? I say unto you, Nay, they are many; yea, and we can witness of their sincerity, because of their love towards their brethren and also towards us.
I am thankful for these trials and experiences because they are making me stronger. I am learning so much. I hope Satan knows that he messed with the wrong missionary. I am ready to work harder than ever. I know this work is the Lord’s work without a doubt in my mind.
 As for transfers, I said goodbye to my beautiful town of Penza. I never thought I could love so much that I didn’t even know 6 months ago. I have cried and cried since I found out I was leaving. They asked me to share my testimony and I sang one last time for them. One lady told me, “Who is going to be our beautiful bird to sing for us now”. Those people are my family and Penza is my home here in Russia. It has been hard, but I know this next cycle here in Samara, Russia is much needed for me to grow. President Schwab personally called me on the day of transfers and told me that he knows it will be hard to leave, but he knows I need to be here in Samara with my companion. He has asked me to do specific things to better this area and to help my companion. My new companion is Sister Angelos. This is her last cycle. I am excited to learn and grow from her. Leaving Sister Henriksen was also so hard. We have grown so close to one another and my district was so close. I am thankful for the time I had with her and with my district. I am struggling to smile each moment here in my new area, but I am ready to work hard. I know this is where the Lord needs me to serve. I know there is people here who I will help enter into the waters of baptism.
 As for Almura, we had to postpone her date, and she will be getting baptized on Saturday of this week. Katya is taking a breaking from investigating. It broke my heart because I feel so much love for her, but I know her day will come. I am grateful to be apart of this great work. I feel as if I cannot love anyone as much as I love Penza, but just as Heavenly Father did for Samuel, I know He will do for me. Samuel 10:9 And it was so, that when he had turned his back to go from Samuel, God gave him another heart: and all those signs came to pass that day.
I know I will love the people of Samara just as much as I love the people of Penza.

I love you family. I am thankful to be so blessed with wonderful friends and a extraordinary family. 
Keep praying and keep choosing the right : )
I will try to send pictures next week.
I love you SO much,

 Our investigator REALLY wanted to take single shots of us before I left. I will sure miss my sweet Penza. My heart is there!

                   My favorite companion :) shhh dont tell anyone..else. I will sure miss her.


Hello Family :)

It sure sounds like our family had a crazy week this week. I am glad all is well at home and I am thankful for your dedication to me. I love reading the e-mails about life and about your adventures. It is amazing how different life is there THAN here. Sometimes, I forget that life is not on hold back at home. It is a weird realty check for me that my little baby brothers are growing up and that things are changing. BUT change doesn't always mean that it is a bad thing. Next week are transfers. I cannot believe another 6 weeks have flown by right before my eyes. I have come even more to love these people here, especially the Branch. Some of the members are like my best friend, grandmother, or mother here in Russia. It will be hard to leave, but I know it will not be goodbye. I know that if I leave my beautiful city of Penza; it will be because the Lord needs me else where. The people may be different, but the work is the same! I can't believe that I have sent FOUR cycles here and that Sister Henriksen is almost done training! CRAZY! Which reminds me, some crazy things happened this week. Do you remember Almura? I wrote about her months ago. She has been investigating the church, but her husband was REALLY against her joining and told her that he would leave her if she joined. WELL, she decided that she NEEDS to get baptized this Saturday. She told us that she knows this church is true without a doubt in her mind. OH, the faith of these people astonishes me. I am thankful for their example. Please keep her in your prayers this week. I know that she is a beloved daughter of our Father in Heaven and I also know that Satan knows that too. He will be fighting REALLY hard to stop her from taking this huge step.

As for Katya, she will not be getting baptized this week. Satan has worked really hard on her for years and has confused her with false information about life and the life after so her understanding of our message has been hindered. Continue to pray for her. I know one day she will understand the importance of Baptism.

Oh yes AND I can't forget Larisa, our miracle from last week. She told us that she knows that she needs to read the Book of Mormon to find out for herself if it is true. She game to a fun church activity where they asked me to be "Fall" (they dressed me). It reminded me of our Apple Squeezing and made me miss all of you :). I will send pictures! 

By the way, forgive my grammatical errors. I have to type fast :)

Keep working hard and keep up the faith!
I love you all!
Until next week!


My new winter boots :)

                                                     The whole crew at the baptism :)


                                                              Larisa and I

                                                                  Larisa and I

                                                          Larisa and I and Sister H

                                                             The church font


                                                    Lena and I...I love her to death!

                                                            baba katya and i.. my fav :)

                                                                Larisa and I

With Love from Russia

Hello again!

Fall is swiftly approaching us. I am starting to get a little worried. Apparently it is suppose to be a real cold winter. I will admit, I am not looking forward to it, but I know it will be a winter that I will never forget. This week has been a little challenging for me, I got sick with something like the flu! Nothing new there! I am just trying to push past it and keep working hard. I have such little time left, and it is beginning to freak me out! Someone told me this last week, "oh so you go home in less than 10 months then." My heart almost dropped. I have too much work left to do here and I have too much left to learn. I am so grateful to be a missionary. I love being able to give all my time and energy to them. I love these people so incredibly much. I want more than anything to help them feel the peace and joy that I feel each day because of my knowledge of our Heavenly Father, our Savior, Jesus Christ, and the Plan of Salvation. This plan is TRULY a plan of happiness. It is one of my favorite lessons to teach because I get testify that we have a Father in Heaven who loves us so much that He has sent us here to earth so that we can learn and grow. He knew that it would be hard and that sometimes we would make mistakes so He sent our Brother, Jesus Christ to the earth to suffer and die for us. Jesus Christ willingly came. He willing suffered for each of our pains, sorrows, and sins and then He willing died on the cross breaking the bands of death SO THAT we could return home to our Father in Heaven and Him after this life. AND so that we could live with them and our own families for eternity. They did this all out of love for each of us. I am so grateful for this knowledge. I feel our Father's love for His children here as I teach and serve them. 

We had such a great miracle this week. It was about 9:00pm and we were walking home from an appointment. I was feeling very well, but felt very prompted that we needed to keep walking past our apartment. As we were walking, there was only on person on the street. I thought, okay, we'll talk to them. As we approached the person, we saw that it was a lady. I greeted her warmly and we began talking. Midway through our conversation, I felt prompted to give her a hug (I love showing my love to them through hugs :)). Well, as I hugged her she began to cry. She just held me. It turns about her husband as pushed her away, and right before we talked to her she had sad a silent pray of help. I know that God sent us to help her find peace during this difficult time in her life. 

I love you all! 
I can't wait to hear about life next week! 
Love your favorite missionary, 
