Monday, October 7, 2013

With Love from Russia

Hello again!

Fall is swiftly approaching us. I am starting to get a little worried. Apparently it is suppose to be a real cold winter. I will admit, I am not looking forward to it, but I know it will be a winter that I will never forget. This week has been a little challenging for me, I got sick with something like the flu! Nothing new there! I am just trying to push past it and keep working hard. I have such little time left, and it is beginning to freak me out! Someone told me this last week, "oh so you go home in less than 10 months then." My heart almost dropped. I have too much work left to do here and I have too much left to learn. I am so grateful to be a missionary. I love being able to give all my time and energy to them. I love these people so incredibly much. I want more than anything to help them feel the peace and joy that I feel each day because of my knowledge of our Heavenly Father, our Savior, Jesus Christ, and the Plan of Salvation. This plan is TRULY a plan of happiness. It is one of my favorite lessons to teach because I get testify that we have a Father in Heaven who loves us so much that He has sent us here to earth so that we can learn and grow. He knew that it would be hard and that sometimes we would make mistakes so He sent our Brother, Jesus Christ to the earth to suffer and die for us. Jesus Christ willingly came. He willing suffered for each of our pains, sorrows, and sins and then He willing died on the cross breaking the bands of death SO THAT we could return home to our Father in Heaven and Him after this life. AND so that we could live with them and our own families for eternity. They did this all out of love for each of us. I am so grateful for this knowledge. I feel our Father's love for His children here as I teach and serve them. 

We had such a great miracle this week. It was about 9:00pm and we were walking home from an appointment. I was feeling very well, but felt very prompted that we needed to keep walking past our apartment. As we were walking, there was only on person on the street. I thought, okay, we'll talk to them. As we approached the person, we saw that it was a lady. I greeted her warmly and we began talking. Midway through our conversation, I felt prompted to give her a hug (I love showing my love to them through hugs :)). Well, as I hugged her she began to cry. She just held me. It turns about her husband as pushed her away, and right before we talked to her she had sad a silent pray of help. I know that God sent us to help her find peace during this difficult time in her life. 

I love you all! 
I can't wait to hear about life next week! 
Love your favorite missionary, 


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