Monday, April 29, 2013


Hey family,

I AM IN RUSSIA. What a culture shock to be here. When I exited the plane, it was such a shock to me. Russia is way different than America. I have felt so guilty for how much I have taken for granted in my life. The people here live off nothing. They are poor, and often don't have much. I met my companion the second day. Her name is Sister Young. She has been out for about a year now. She is awesome. We are assigned to an area named Penza. It is about an 8 hour train ride from the Mission Home. It is not really clean here. Yesterday, Sister Young and I got trapped in a dust tornadoe! haha. The water comes out foggy and sometimes brown so we are not allowed to drink it. We are suppose to wear water shoes in the showers to avoid getting planter warts. We are not allowed to eat the "fresh" fish here, and we have to clean the produce REALLY well. Things are way different here, but man do I just love it. I have never walked more in my life. I have never rode on so many buses or van like taxi's. It is crazy how much we walk and ride transportation.

My first lesson here was incredible. Sister Young and her past companion found a 21 year old guy named Dema when knocking. They have talked with him several times, but have not officially had a lesson. The day we arrived in Penza was Dema's first real lesson. We talked about the Book of Mormon and I tried to teach him in my broke Russian how to pray. The spirit was stronger than I have ever felt! At the end of the lesson, I asked him to pray. It was incredible to teach him. We have been busy at work! I am grateful for this chance I have to be here to teach these people! They need the gospel. I have been rejected many times, but that doesn't matter because this gospel is true!

I am sorry this email is shorter than usual. I promise I will write more! You are all in my prayers. I am grateful for your love and your example to me! Keep of the hard work!

The language is challenging, but with the help of the Lord, my trainer, and with hard work it will all work out!
I love my Father in Heaven. I am so blessed to be a missionary!!
I love you all,
Sister McCartt (DEVY :))

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