Thursday, May 9, 2013

Week 11!

What a week it has been. My goodness. I don't think I have worked so hard in my life. I got up this morning in complete exhaustion. The work is tiring, but it is amazing. It is amazing to me to think, I am a representative of Jesus Christ. I am doing the work he would if he were here. We have been working so hard this week. I feel like we literally gave our all. Unfortunately, Satan knows that we are working hard because we have been faced with a ton of opposition. This hasn't decreased out faith though! Sister Young met with one of our investigators named Evan. He wasn't progressing so we were praying about whether or not we should stop meeting with him. We decided to meet with him one last time. We felt strongly that we needed to talk about the restoration. It was an incredible lesson. As I recited Joseph Smith's vision, the Spirit surrounded us. At first, he was hesitant to pray, but after the lesson he was much more willing. The next day, HE called us to ask when we could meet. It was awesome! I hope that he continues to have that desire to learn more. He would make an incredible Priesthood Holder.

I also experienced my first knocking this week. It was challenging because you have only 20 seconds to really help them feel the Spirit before they decide to slam the door. These are some of the moments that I am grateful that I don't understand all that they are saying because I can really testify without being hurt or offended. We have been called many unkind things, but I just simply turn the other cheek because I know that there are people hear in Russia that need to hear the message we are bringing, like Irena. She is our blessing this week. Last night, we just had a long week. We were tired, but we decided to really pray about where we were going to knock. We decided to go to "my hill". (I always stare about our kitchen window of this mountain of houses. so we call it my hill). We walked and chatted with the people outside. There was one lady that really stood out to us. We approached her and ended up praying and teaching her a lesson. She has two beautiful children and one on the way. I know that our message will help her. I pray she will continue to be receptive to our message.

Some funny interesting things that happened this week:
1. We were riding on a bus and all of a sudden our bus driver held us a round object that looked like our steering wheel. IT WAS~! I steering wheel had broke off! We all got off. I personally was freaking out, but everyone acted like it was nothing!
2. The next day I witnessed a car accident. No one even looked to see if everyone was okay. They just went on about their business. Super normal here.
3. We witnessed a crazy fight!

All this craziness happens, but my love just continues to grow more and more for Russia! The work is tough, but I love it!

To answer some of your questions mom:
What is the name of your companion?
Sister Young. She is awesome!
Where is she from and how long has she been out?
She is from Utah! She just hit her year mark!
What were your initial feelings when you arrived in Russia? Into your mission apartment?
I realized how bless I was to grow up in America. Russia is very poor, but I just love it here. I love all the people. My apartment is awesome! Not all of them are as nice as ours!
What was your first day like?
We arrived in Russia and I was EXHAUSTED. We ate and did a welcome thing. I was so glad to sleep.
What is a typical day like?
We wake up at 630. Work out for 30 min. Get ready and eat until 8. We then do an hour of personal study, an hour of companionship study, hour of language, and then an hour of training.
What is church like?
My branch apparently has the most American like feel. I love it even though I can't understand anything. Maybe around 30 to 40 people!
Have you had the chance to teach, tract, or go into a home?
WE have done them all :)
How are you sleeping?
I never feel like I get enough! BUT I sleep like a rock.

I LOVE YOU. WRITE ME :) I also go Shelbys dear elder here. I can get them so send them :).

Sister Devynn McCartt

Pictures of Penza 


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