Monday, January 6, 2014


Hello to my oh so fabulous family,
First I want to start off by saying that I FINALLY figured out how to make a "group" for those who I want to send my family email. If you were added, but rather not receive a weekly update-- please let me know, and I will erase your name from the list. If there is someone who I didn't add, let me know and I will add them. Wow, this sure will save a lot of time. Why am I so technologically handicapped?
This week has been a blur, but lets be honest--That describes every week on my mission. We started the week by celebrating the New Year stuck inside. Can you believe it is 2014? I never thought this year would come. To say that the Russians love the new year is LITERALLY an understatement. They have been partying for days now. To answer mom's question: Russians don't really celebrate Christmas, they more celebrate the new year. If you are a member of the Russian Orthodox church (which 99% are "members" because they were baptized at birth), you recognize the birth of Christ on the 7th of January, where as members of our church celebrate with us on the 25th of December. SO this beautiful holiday of Christmas is mainly celebrated by spending time together with friends and family and DRINKING. AND LOTS OF IT. Sister Jensen and I had fun watching the craziness from inside our window. Fireworks were going off everywhere and people were outside dancing and drinking until the wee hours of the morning. It is amazing how different the culture is here, but I love it. You can walk down the streets and just wish everyone a "Happy Holiday". They absolutely love it. It is a great conversation starter.
This week was slow to get started. We worked hard and we sacrificed A LOT. It was one of those weeks that I felt like I was giving all I had. It felt nice. I felt like I was serving everyone with my whole heart, but inside I just felt very weak. I didn't understand why. If you haven't noticed yet, I am a bit hard on myself. Only because I want to do everything in my power to help each of God's children that I am sent here to help. After a long week, I felt stretched thin. I wanted to help everyone, but my weak body wouldn't allow more. On Sunday morning as I sat in a room filled of righteous Russian members waiting for the Sacrament as I said a silent prayer in my heart, I would describe my feelings as, well I felt like a worked pizza dough that had been stretched and stretched until small holes began to appear. I felt like I just didn't have the strength or the energy to give anymore of myself. As a missionary, you just want to work and serve with every ounce you have, and I felt like I had given everything. A blessing that I had received earlier that week stated that as I served more and more and as I gave more, it would come back to me and I would receive the strength to do and give more. SO that is what I did, I said a fervent prayer and made the decision to serve more and to cast my burdens on the Lord. I knew that He truly would fill in the holes. SO during or crazy dinner, we made cookies and thank you cards for less actives and also for a family of a less active elderly woman named Emma. After dinner, we rushed out the door to preach the good word! We dropped by Emma's home for a quick lesson and to give the family the treats and thank you card. (The rest of the family aren't members, but they ALWAYS feed us and treat us like queens). Before we started the lesson, their 15 year old son, Sasha came in on the lesson. We had a beautiful lesson with him and his grandmother on the Book of Mormon. Afterwards, we had an over the phone lesson with Mesha (our miracle investigator), he is out of town for a week and a half. We had a great lesson with him and had the chance to have Emma there to help and feel the Spirit of the Lord. To our great surprise, we came out to a delicious meal prepared by Anya (the sweet daughter of Emma). We had a wonderful and spiritual conversation with her. We found out that 9 years ago, when her mom found the church--Anya wasn't very active in her church. She told us that it is because of the Mormon Missionaries that helped her mom find the truth, that she too strengthed her testimony in God. I know that NO effort is wasted. We said a sweet prayer with her, and as we quickly headed out she handed me my boots that looked as if they were brand new and a huge jar of homemade juice. This thought brings me to tears, but while we were in with her son and Emma, Anya had polished our shoes and made us a delicious meal even though she was tired. I can't express to you the love that I felt from her, but also from my Heavenly Father. I know that this is his work. I felt anew and ready to work even harder for the Salvation of my beloved Russian people. The people here are like a family to me. This morning during studies, I was struck by the words in Alma and knew very clearly that they were an answer to my prayer yesterday.
It reads, "10 And it came to pass that the Lord did visit them with his Spirit, and said unto them: Be comforted. And they were comforted.
11 And the Lord said unto them also: Go forth among the Lamanites, thy brethren, and           establish my word; yet ye shall be patient in long-suffering and afflictions, that ye may show  forth good examples unto them in me, and I will make an instrument of thee in my hands        unto the salvation of many souls.                                                                                                         
2 And it came to pass that the hearts of the sons of Mosiah, and also those who were with        them, took courage to go forth unto the Lamanites to declare unto them the word of God.       
The Lord is here to comfort His servants, and He does everyday. I know that I feel this sorrow at times because I truly do love these people, and I want nothing but to help them come to know their Savior, like I know Him. I truly feel that this time in my life will continue to be hard, but as I work unwearingly and patiently, and as I am stalwart and steadfast, I know that my example will be seen by others. I know that others will want to give their all as I strive to be the best example of my Savior that I can be. I love Him.
It is not me, the missionary that is the teacher, the true teacher is the Spirit. He can touch the very hearts of the people here--some hearts that have been hardened for years. He is touching them. It is my duty as the instrument to be worthy, obedient, and willing to act. I hope you know that I striving to be that worthy instrument that the Lord needs to me to be.
My thoughts and prayers are with each one of you, especially my cute little siblings as they head back to school.

I love you all.
Until next week
Your freezing but happier than ever Russian missionary


                                                      My Santa and me :)

                                                      Skyping with the family

                                                            Skyping Shea

                                               Winter wonderland! -9 today. yummy

Sick with the flu but an investigator wanted us to come out of the house real quick to give me a present. HOW SWEET.

 I thought that this outfit made me look more put together.... what can I say, after having the flu for a week or so it starts to get to you. I was SO pumped about our delicious smelling toilet paper. APPLE SCENTED. yummyy!

                                                                     Our house!!!

                           HAPPY NEW YEARS. Those things were a lot crazier than I expected

                                                  My baby and I by the Volga!

                                                    Is he passed out drunk or dead?!

Trying to capture the "PERFECT" snow flakes. May I admit something embarrassing...I didn't actually know that snow flakes can look like the ones we cut out in paper. THEY DO ALL THE TIME HERE. SO beautiful.

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